Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Dragging Arse...

The last few days have been hellish here...I've been dragging my butt around work without much of anything doing.  My projects have all kind of stalled and I don't feel like I have the energy to jump start them.  Weird kind of funk I'm in.  Work is once again becoming that place I go to just because I'm supposed to be working - it's the thing I should be doing simply because of where I am in life...well, what if I don't want to do that?  What if I want to stay home and not work?  Just me being me right now, I of my typical funks.  I'm sure the fact that I haven't been the gym in a long time and I'm mentally battling the need to have a proper diet with the desire to eat like a normal person (one a side note, I sure am using italics a lot today).  OK, enough dinking around...maybe I can get some work done if I leave this be for a while...

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