Wednesday, December 15, 2004

A New Day Dawns...

It's somewhat amazing how a new day can bring a little bit of peace and calmness to the soul. I think a good night's sleep can also help. I am in a much better mood and mind-frame today than I was yesterday and it's showing in my work, my demeanor, even in the way I feel physically. Maybe it is getting a good lead on a different approach to a design issue I've had at work, or maybe it was just getting good sleep. Who knows. And, frankly, I don't care - as long as I'm feeling better.

I'm sure the stress is caused by a multitude of things, including Christmas being on the horizon. It always seems to be an area of the year that I get stressed out at. But, we're heading up to MA, so it should be fun. It's always nice to be able to spend time with my family - as crazy as they are - since I don't get to see them much anymore.

I'm also pumped about going snowboarding! I am going to get up at least one, if not two days this weekend to Mountain Creek - assuming they open as planned. Then I've got three days in January that I'll be spending with twenty five friends (some close, some friends of friends). This trip is what I'm most looking forward to over the next few weeks! I can't wait.

OK, back to work for now.

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